Source code for covertutils.helpers

# from builtins import chr

from difflib import SequenceMatcher
import abc

[docs]class CovertUtilsException( Exception ) : ''' General Exception for raising in helper functions ''' pass
[docs]def sxor( s1, s2 ) : if len(s1) != 1 and len(s2) != 1 : raise CovertUtilsException( "Incompatible lengths. An Argument is more than 1 char long" ) return chr(ord(s1) ^ ord(s2))
[docs]def xor_str( s1, s2 ) : if len(s1) != len(s2) : raise CovertUtilsException( "Incompatible lengths. %d != %d" % ( len(s1), len(s2) ) ) return ''.join(sxor(a,b) for a,b in zip(s1,s2))
[docs]def permutate( list_, number_set ) : ret = [] for i in number_set : x = list_[i] ret.append(x) return ret
# taken from: #
[docs]def str_similar(a, b): return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()
[docs]def defaultArgMerging( defaults, kwargs ) : ret = {} # print defaults.keys() for k in list( defaults.keys() ) : try : ret[k] = kwargs[k] except : ret[k] = defaults[k] for k in list( kwargs.keys() ) : ret[k] = kwargs[k] return ret
[docs]def isprintable( s ) : import string return all(c in string.printable for c in s)
[docs]def copydoc(fromfunc, sep="\n"): """ Decorator: Copy the docstring of `fromfunc` """ def _decorator(func): sourcedoc = fromfunc.__doc__ if sourcedoc == None : sourcedoc = '' if func.__doc__ == None: func.__doc__ = sourcedoc else: func.__doc__ = sep.join([sourcedoc, func.__doc__]) return func return _decorator