Source code for covertutils.exceptions

All exception of ``covertutils`` package are provided centrically in this module.


[docs]class TemplateNotFoundException( Exception ) : ''' This Exception is thrown when the template passed as argument is not available in the :class:`covertutils.datamanipulation.stegoinjector.StegoInjector` configuration string '''
[docs]class InvalidChunkException( Exception ) : ''' Exception thrown when the chunks are invalid ''' pass
[docs]class StreamAdditionException( Exception ) : """ This Exception is thrown if any issue happens in stream addition. """ pass
[docs]class StreamAlreadyExistsException( StreamAdditionException ) : """ This Exception is thrown if an existing stream is tried to be re-added. """ pass
[docs]class StreamDeletionException( Exception ) : """ This Exception is thrown if the deletion of a stream is not possible. """ pass
[docs]class HardStreamException( Exception ) : """ This Exception is thrown if a Hard Stream can't be created""" pass
[docs]class StegoSchemeParseException ( Exception ) : ''' This Exception is thrown whenever the StegoScheme syntax gets violated ''' pass
[docs]class StegoDataInjectionException( Exception ) : ''' This Exception is thrown whenever given data cannot be properly injected in Data ''' pass
[docs]class StegoDataExtractionException( Exception ) : ''' This Exception is thrown whenever data extraction from a Data is not possible ''' pass
[docs]class NoFunctionAvailableException( Exception ) : """ This Exception is raised when the received stream does not have a corresponding function. """ pass