Source code for covertutils.datamanipulation.adhocchunker

from covertutils.exceptions import *

from os import urandom
from struct import pack, unpack

	bytes        # Python 3
except NameError:
	bytes = str  # Python 2

[docs]class AdHocChunker : """ The AdHocChunker class is a special chunker that doesn't tag each chunk that creates. It works by concatenating the actual byte size of the message that is to be chunked with the message itself. It splits the message into even chunks of size that is passed in the :func:`chunkMessage` method. The dechunking works by first identifying the byte length of the whole message and waiting until all bytes are received, discarding any padding bytes. """
[docs] def __init__( self, tag_length = 2 ) : """ """ self.__message = '' self.tag_length = tag_length self.reset()
[docs] def setChunkSize( self, chunk_size ) : self.chunk_size = chunk_size - self.tag_length
[docs] def chunkMessage( self, payload, chunk_size = None ) : """ :param str payload: The raw data to be chunked in bytes. :rtype: list :return: A list of chunks containing the chunked `payload`. """ data = self.__prepareMessage( payload ) chunks = [] if not chunk_size : chunk_size = self.chunk_size # self.setChunkSize( chunk_size ) while data : if len(data) >= chunk_size : chunk = data[:chunk_size] data = data[chunk_size:] # print len(data) else : chunk = data padding_length = chunk_size - len(chunk) chunk += urandom( padding_length ) chunks.append( chunk ) break chunks.append( chunk ) return chunks
[docs] def deChunkMessage( self, chunk ) : """ :param str chunk: A part of a chunked message to be assembled. :rtype: tuple :return: The method return a tuple of (status, message). If status is `False` or `None` the provided chunk isn't the last part of the message and the message contains an empty string. Else, the assembled message can be found in `message`. """ if self.remaining_bytes == 0 : tag, data = self.__dissectTag( chunk ) self.remaining_bytes = self.__decodeTag( tag ) else : data = chunk data_length = len(data) if data_length <= self.remaining_bytes : self.__message += data self.remaining_bytes -= data_length else : self.__message += data[:self.remaining_bytes] self.remaining_bytes = 0 if self.remaining_bytes == 0 : ret = self.__message self.reset() return True, ret return None, None
def __decodeTag( self, tag ) : while len(tag) < 8 : tag = '\x00' + tag return unpack(">Q", tag)[0] def __prepareMessage( self, payload ) : return bytes( self.__createTag( payload ) ) + bytes( payload ) def __createTag( self, chunk ) : data_length = len(chunk) tag = pack(">Q", data_length ) # Q: 8 bytes - unsigned long long - huge number while tag[0] == '\x00' and len(tag) > self.tag_length : tag = tag[1:] return tag def __dissectTags( self, chunks ) : return [ self.__dissectTag( chunk ) for chunk in chunks ] def __tagChunk( self, chunk, tag ) : return tag + chunk def __dissectTag( self, chunk ) : tag = chunk[:self.tag_length] chunk = chunk[self.tag_length:] return tag, chunk
[docs] def reset( self ) : """ Resets all partially assembled messages. """ self.__message = '' self.remaining_bytes = 0 self.chunk_size = 0
[docs] def chunkMessageToStr( self, payload ) : return ''.join(chunkMessage( payload ))