Source code for covertutils.shells.subshells.shellcodesubshell

import cmd
import re

from covertutils.shells.subshells import SimpleSubShell

	raw_input          # Python 2
except NameError:
	raw_input = input  # Python 3

[docs]def format_shellcode( unformatted ) : ready = unformatted ready = ready.split('=')[-1] # in case shellcode[] = 'blah...' ready = ready.strip().replace('x','').replace('\n','') # taken from # Remove all non-word characters (everything except numbers and letters) ready = re.sub(r"[^\w\s]", '', ready) # Replace all runs of whitespace with a single dash ready = re.sub(r"\s+", '-', ready) ready = ready.strip() # strip after removing things ready = ready.decode('hex') # make it binary return ready
[docs]def show( mixed_shellcode ) : print( "Pasted lines:" ) print( mixed_shellcode ) print( "" ) try : pure_shellcode = format_shellcode( mixed_shellcode ) print( "Length of %d bytes" % len(pure_shellcode) ) print( "" ) print( "Shellcode in HEX :" ) print( pure_shellcode.encode('hex') ) print( "" ) print( "Shellcode in BINARY :" ) print( pure_shellcode ) except TypeError: print( "Shellcode buffer could not be formatted" ) print( "Pasted half a line?" )
[docs]class ShellcodeSubShell ( SimpleSubShell ) : intro = '''This shell will properly format shellcode pasted from sources like "" and "msfvenom"''' fire_word = 'GO'
[docs] def __init__( self, stream, handler, queue_dict, base_shell, ignore_messages = set(['X']), prompt_templ = "[{stream}]> ") : # print( ShellcodeSubShell ) SimpleSubShell.__init__( self, stream, handler, queue_dict, base_shell, ignore_messages, prompt_templ ) self.shellcode_buffer = ''
[docs] def default( self, line ) : print( "" ) print( "Type '%s' when done pasting..." % self.fire_word ) if line.strip() == self.fire_word : if not self.shellcode_buffer : print( "No shellcode is pasted" ) return pure_shellcode = format_shellcode( self.shellcode_buffer ) self.do_show('') if not self.confirm() : print( "Shellcode NOT sent..." ) print( "You can clear the buffer with 'clear'" ) return self.handler.preferred_send( pure_shellcode, ) self.shellcode_buffer = '' return self.shellcode_buffer += line+'\n'
[docs] def confirm( self ) : option = raw_input("Send the shellcode over? [y/N] ") return option.lower() == 'y'
[docs] def do_clear( self, line ) : self.shellcode_buffer = '' print( "Buffer cleared!" )
[docs] def do_show( self, line ) : print( self.ruler*20 ) show( self.shellcode_buffer ) print( self.ruler*20 )