Source code for

import cmd
import sys
import argparse
import threading

from covertutils.handlers.multi import MultiHandler
#	The idea is to pass a list of handlers to start with, and create a MultiHandler object from this list.
#	The initial arguments for this should be a list of Shells. From shells, the handlers will be retrieved and from there, the MultiHandler object will be created
	raw_input          # Python 2
except NameError:
	raw_input = input  # Python 3

[docs]class CLIArgumentParser( argparse.ArgumentParser ) :
[docs] def exit(self, ex_code = 1, message = "Unrecognised") : # print message # print '[!] [EXIT] - ', ex_code, message return
[docs] def error(self, message) : print (message)
[docs]class MultiShell( cmd.Cmd ) :
[docs] def __init__( self, shells = [], output = None ) : cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.shells = {} for shell in shells : self.__add_handler_shell( shell ) self.prompt = 'covertpreter> '
def __add_handler_shell( self, shell ) : self.shells[shell.handler.getOrchestrator().getIdentity()] = shell
[docs] def list_sessions( self, verbose = False ) : handlers = [shell.handler for shell in self.shells.values()] to_show = [] for orch_id, shell in self.shells.iteritems() : # print shell.sysinfo try : sysinfo = shell.sysinfo sysinfo = ' - '.join([sysinfo[i] for i in (0,4,3,8)]) # hostname, distro, locale, user except Exception as e: # print e sysinfo = None # Could dispatch selectively a 'SI' command handler = shell.handler if verbose : streams = handler.getOrchestrator().getStreams() else : streams = [] to_show.append( {'row' : (orch_id, handler.__class__) , 'streams' : streams, 'info' : sysinfo } ) print ("\tCurrent Sessions:") for i, sess_dict in enumerate(to_show) : # print row row = sess_dict['row'] streams = sess_dict['streams'] num_row = "%d) {:16} - {}" % (i) print ( num_row.format(*row) ) if sess_dict['info'] : print sess_dict['info'] else : print "System Info: N/A" for stream in streams : print ("\t-> {}".format(stream)) print ('\n')
[docs] def default(self, line) : if not line : return arg_parser = CLIArgumentParser(prog = "\n%s" % self.prompt) arg_parser.add_argument("SESSIONS", nargs = '*', help = 'The SESSIONS IDs that the MESSAGE must be sent to. If not provided, it defaults to ALL SESSIONS', default = None) arg_parser.add_argument("STREAM", type = str, help = 'The STREAM to send the MESSAGE. If a SESSION does not support the provided STREAM, it will be omitted') arg_parser.add_argument("MESSAGE", type = str, default = None, help = "The MESSAGE to send to the selected SESSIONS") try : args = arg_parser.parse_args( line.split() ) except Exception as e : print e return if args.MESSAGE == None : # print arg_parser.print_help() return # print args if not args.SESSIONS : print "No sessions selected, ALL sessions will be commanded" # Warning # [y/n] thing resp = raw_input("Are you sure? [y/N]: ") if resp.lower() != 'y' : return else : args.SESSIONS = self.shells.keys() for session_id in args.SESSIONS : if session_id in self.shells.keys() : shell = self.shells[session_id] command = "{stream_char}{stream} {message}".format( stream_char = shell.stream_preamp_char, stream = args.STREAM, message = args.MESSAGE, ) print ( "'%s' -> <%s>" % (command, session_id) ) shell.onecmd( command )
[docs] def do_session( self, line ) : arg_parser = CLIArgumentParser(prog = "session") arg_parser.add_argument("-i", "--session_num", help = "Jumps to the shell designated by the SESSION_NUM", type = int, required = False) arg_parser.add_argument("-s", "--session_id", help = "Jumps to the shell designated by the SESSIONS_ID", type = str, required = False) arg_parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", help = "Lists all current Session Shells", action = 'store_true' ) arg_parser.add_argument("-v", help = "Verbose output of '-l'", action = 'store_true' ) try : args = arg_parser.parse_args( line.split() ) except Exception as e : print e return # print args if args.list : return self.list_sessions( args.v ) try : i = args.session_num # print list(self.shells)[i] shell = self.shells.values()[i] return shell.start(False) except Exception as e: # print e pass if args.session_id in self.shells.keys() : shell = self.shells[args.session_id] return shell.start(False)
[docs] def do_handler( self, line ) : arg_parser = CLIArgumentParser(prog='handler') subparsers = arg_parser.add_subparsers(help='command for the handler', dest="command") parser_add = subparsers.add_parser('add', help='Add a Handler in a new Thread and start a session') parser_add.add_argument("SCRIPT", help = "The file that contains the Handler in Python 'covertutils' code", type = str) parser_add.add_argument("ARGUMENTS", help = "The arguments passed to the Python 'covertutils' handler script", type = str, default = '', nargs = '*') parser_add.add_argument("--shell", '-s', help = "The argument in the Python code that contains the '' implementation", type = str, default = 'shell') parser_del = subparsers.add_parser('del', help='Delete a Handler') parser_del.add_argument("SESSION_ID", help = "The ID of the SESSION to purge", type = str) parser_del.add_argument("--kill", '-k', help = "Send 'KILL' command to the corresponding Agent [TODO]", action = 'store_true', default = False) args = arg_parser.parse_args(line.split()) # print args if args.command == 'add' : if args.SCRIPT == None : print arg_parser.print_help() return filename = args.SCRIPT arguments = args.ARGUMENTS shell_var = mount_thread = threading.Thread( target = self.mount_new_handler, args = ( filename, arguments, shell_var ) ) mount_thread.daemon = True mount_thread.start() elif args.command == 'del' : if args.SESSION_ID == None : print arg_parser.print_help() return self.unmount_handler(args.SESSION_ID, args.kill)
[docs] def unmount_handler( self, orch_id, kill = False ) : if orch_id in self.shells.keys() : if kill : self.shells[orch_id].onecmd("!control kill") self.shells[orch_id].handler.stop() # self.shells[orch_id].handler.receive_function = None del self.shells[orch_id]
[docs] def mount_new_handler( self, filename, arguments, shell_var = 'shell' ) : # handler add examples/ 8080 Pa55phra531 variables = [''] + arguments sys.argv = variables print variables with open(filename, 'r') as handler_codefile : handler_code = # namespace_dict = locals() namespace_dict = {} handler_code = handler_code.replace("%s.start()" % shell_var, 'pass') # Replace the blocking command of the shell # exec( handler_code ) exec( handler_code, namespace_dict ) print namespace_dict[shell_var] self.__add_handler_shell( namespace_dict[shell_var] ) print "Added Session!"
[docs] def emptyline( self ) : return
[docs] def do_EOF( self, *args ) : return
[docs] def do_exit( self, *args ) : return self.do_q( *args )
[docs] def do_quit( self, *args ) : return self.do_q( *args )
[docs] def do_q( self, *args ) : return self.quitPrompt()
[docs] def quitPrompt( self, *args ) : # print( args ) exit_input = raw_input("[!]\tQuit shell? [y/N] ") if exit_input.lower() == 'y' : print( "Aborted by the user..." ) # sys.exit(0) return True return False
[docs] def start( self, warn = True ) : # try : while True : ret = None try : ret = self.cmdloop() # if ret : break except KeyboardInterrupt : print ("\n[!] For exiting use [q|quit|exit]")