Source code for covertutils.payloads

import marshal

# print "Importing %s" %  __name__
[docs]def dinit( storage ) : return 1
[docs]def import_payload_from_module( module ) : try: init = module.init except: init = dinit work = return init, work
def __str_to_module( module_str ) : # print globals() ret_mod = __import__(module_str, globals(), locals(), ['object'], -1) return ret_mod
[docs]def import_stage_from_module_str( module_str ) : ret = {} module = __str_to_module( module_str ) ret = import_stage_from_module( module ) return ret
[docs]def import_stage_from_module( module ) : init, work = import_payload_from_module (module) ret = __form_stage_from_function( init, work ) try : shell_class = except Exception as e: # print e, module shell_class = None ret['shell'] = shell_class # import the shell in the module if available return ret
def __form_stage_from_function( init, work ) : ret = {} dict_ = {'init' : init, 'work' : work} try: # Python 3 code = {'init' : init.__code__, 'work' : work.__code__} except AttributeError: # Python 2 code = {'init' : init.func_code, 'work' : work.func_code} ret['object'] = dict_ ret['python'] = code try : marshaled = marshal.dumps(code) except ValueError: marshaled = None try : import dill dilled = dill.dumps(code) except ImportError: dilled = None ret['dill'] = dilled ret['marshal'] = marshaled return ret GenericStages, WindowsStages, LinuxStages = None, None, None
[docs]def generatePayloads( ) : global GenericStages global WindowsStages global LinuxStages LinuxStages = {} # LinuxStages['shellcode'] = import_stage_from_module_str('linux.shellcode') from covertutils.payloads.linux import shellcode as lshellcode LinuxStages['shellcode'] = import_stage_from_module(lshellcode) WindowsStages = {} # WindowsStages['shellcode'] = import_stage_from_module_str('windows.shellcode') from import shellcode as wshellcode WindowsStages['shellcode'] = import_stage_from_module(wshellcode) GenericStages = {} # GenericStages['echo'] = import_stage_from_module_str('generic.echo') # GenericStages['shell'] = import_stage_from_module_str('') # GenericStages['shellprocess'] = import_stage_from_module_str('generic.shellprocess') # GenericStages['pythonapi'] = import_stage_from_module_str('generic.pythonapi') # GenericStages['control'] = import_stage_from_module_str('generic.control') from covertutils.payloads.generic import control, shell, shellprocess, pythonapi, echo, meterpreter, file as file_ GenericStages['control'] = import_stage_from_module(control) GenericStages['shell'] = import_stage_from_module(shell) GenericStages['shellprocess'] = import_stage_from_module(shellprocess) GenericStages['pythonapi'] = import_stage_from_module(pythonapi) GenericStages['echo'] = import_stage_from_module(echo) GenericStages['file'] = import_stage_from_module(file_) GenericStages['meterpreter'] = import_stage_from_module(meterpreter) return GenericStages, WindowsStages, LinuxStages
generatePayloads() # # print(GenericStages # print("") # print(LinuxStages) # print("") # print(WindowsStages) # if __name__ == '__main__' : # # import sys # payload_dicts = [LinuxStages, WindowsStages, GenericStages] # for pload in payload_dicts : # marshal.dumps