Source code for covertutils.handlers.interrogating

from time import sleep

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

from covertutils.helpers import defaultArgMerging
from covertutils.handlers import BaseHandler

from threading import Thread

from random import uniform

[docs]class InterrogatingHandler( BaseHandler ) : """ This handler has a beaconing behavior, repeatedly querring the channel for messages. This behavior is useful on agents that need to have a client-oriented traffic. HTTP/S agents (meterpreter HTTP/S) use this approach, issueing HTTP (GET/POST) requests to the channel and executing messages found in HTTP responses. This behavior can simulate Web Browsing, ICMP Ping, DNS traffic schemes. This handler can be nicely coupled with :class:`covertutils.handlers.ResponseOnlyHandler` for a Server-Client approach. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta Defaults = { 'request_data' : 'X', 'delay_between' : (1.0, 2.0), 'fetch_stream' : 'control' }
[docs] def __init__( self, recv, send, orchestrator, **kw ) : """ :param str request_data: The actual payload that is used in messages thet request data. :param tuple delay_between: A `tuple` containing 2 `floats` or `ints`. The beaconing intervals will be calculated randomly between these 2 numbers. :param str fetch_stream: The stream where all the beaconing will be tagged with. """ super(InterrogatingHandler, self).__init__( recv, send, orchestrator, **kw ) self.Defaults['fetch_stream'] = orchestrator.getDefaultStream() arguments = defaultArgMerging( self.Defaults, kw ) self.request_data = arguments['request_data'] self.delay_between = arguments['delay_between'] self.fetch_stream = arguments['fetch_stream'] self.fetcher_thread = Thread( target = self.__fetcher_function ) self.fetcher_thread.daemon = True self.fetcher_thread.start()
def __fetcher_function( self, ) : while True : if not self.delay_between : continue # to beat a race condition delay = uniform( *self.delay_between ) sleep( delay ) self.readifyQueue() while not self.to_send_raw : self.queueSend( self.request_data, self.fetch_stream ) self.readifyQueue() to_send = self.to_send_raw.pop(0) self.send_function( to_send )