Source code for covertutils.datamanipulation.stegoinjector

This module provides functionality for steganography.
It uses a configuration string with custom syntax to describe *where* and *how* will data be injected in a template.

**Stego Configuration Syntax Description**

* Tags
	Tags are used to specify the functions that will be applied on each byte at injection and extraction.

* Templates
	Templates are hex strings containing the Tag Letters wherever arbitrary data can be injected.

Example Syntax:

.. code:: python

	# Comments symbol is traditionally the '#'

	# -- Tags --
	# Those are the tags. Declared as:
	# Letter:<InjectionFunction>:<ExtractionFunction>
	# Functions get evaluated with python 'eval' under the following context:
	# _data_: byte to be injected, extracted
	# _len_: packet length
	# _index_: index of the byte injected/extracted
	# _capacity_: Byte capacity of the packet as declared below
	# _sxor_: Function that gets 2 char bytes and returns their XOR'd value
	# Data functions that are reflective [applied twice to an input returns the input (e.g XOR operation)], do not need the <ExtractionFunction> part.
	# Do need the last colon (:) though.
	# Examples:
	X:_data_:						# inject the data as provided
	K:_sxor_(_data_, '\\xaa'):				# inject the data xor'd with '\\xaa' byte. Use the same function for extraction
	L:chr(ord(_data_) + 1):chr(ord(_data_) - 1)		# inject each byte incremented by 1. Decrement each byte before extraction.

	# -- Packet Templates --
	# Packet Templates, declared as:
	# packet_template_name = '''Hex of the template packet with Tag Letters among the valid bytes''' []<groups>
	# Groups are declared as:
	# TagLetter[start:end]
	# and will automatically replace all bytes between 'start' and 'end' with the given Tag Letter
	# Those two templates are identical (Notice the Tag Letters between the Hex Values in `ip_tcp_syn2`)
	ip_tcp_syn1 = '''450000280001000040067ccd7f0000017f00000100140050000000000000000050022000917c0000'''L[4:6],K[24:28],X[20:22]
	ip_tcp_syn2 = '''45000028LLLL000040067ccd7f0000017f000001XXXX0050KKKKKKKK0000000050022000917c0000'''

	# Whitespace and comments won't break the Strings
	mac_ip_tcp_syn = '''ffffffffffff0000000000000800	# MAC header
	450000280001000040067ccd7f0000017f000001		# IP header

from covertutils.exceptions import *

from os import urandom
import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

import re

from covertutils.helpers import sxor as _sxor_
from covertutils.helpers import str_similar

from copy import deepcopy
import codecs

	bytes        # Python 3
except NameError:
	bytes = str  # Python 2

[docs]class StegoInjector : __comment_sign = '#' __pkt_regex = """(\w+)\s*=\s*['"]{1,3}([\w*\s]*)['"]{1,3}\s*([\[\d+:\d+\]\,[A-Z]*)""" __tag_regex = '([A-Za-z]+):(.*?):(.*)]?' __data_regex = '[\s(]+_data_[,\s\.)]+' __group_regex = '([A-Za-b])\[(\d+)+:(\d+)\]' __comment_regex = '%s.*' % __comment_sign __not_permitted_chars = '1234567890ABCDEFabcdef'
[docs] def __init__( self, stego_template, hex_inject = False ) : self.hex_inject = hex_inject self.__tags, self.__packets = self.__parseStegoScheme( stego_template )
# print self.__packets def __parseStegoScheme( self, stego_template ) : # Remove comments stego_template = re.sub( self.__comment_regex,'',stego_template ) tags = re.findall( self.__tag_regex, stego_template ) tag_dict = {} for tag, inj_function, extr_function in tags : tag = tag.upper() # print tag, function if len(tag) != 1 : raise StegoSchemeParseException( "MultiCharacter Tags are not allowed. Redefine '%s'" % tag ) if tag in self.__not_permitted_chars : raise StegoSchemeParseException( "Tag '%s' is a Letter used in Hex. Tags must be different from 'ABCDEF'" % tag ) if tag in tag_dict.keys() : raise StegoSchemeParseException( "Tag '%s' is already defined." % tag ) inj_function = '(%s)' % inj_function extr_function = '(%s)' % extr_function if extr_function == '()' : extr_function = inj_function f_match = re.findall( self.__data_regex, inj_function ) if not f_match : raise StegoSchemeParseException( "Injection function for Tag: '%s' does not contain '_data_' keyword" % tag ) f_match = re.findall( self.__data_regex, extr_function ) if not f_match : raise StegoSchemeParseException( "Extraction function for Tag: '%s' does not contain '_data_' keyword" % tag ) # print tag, function LOG.debug("Adding tag '%s' with Data Functions: < %s > : < %s >" % (tag, inj_function, extr_function)) tag_dict[tag] = { "inj_function": inj_function, "extr_function": extr_function } pkt_dict = {} pkt_list = re.findall( self.__pkt_regex, stego_template) for pkt_name, hex_pkt, groups in pkt_list : # print pkt_name, hex_pkt, groups hex_pkt = re.sub("\s*",'', hex_pkt) # print "%s" % groups if groups : # print "Groups Found!" group_str_list = groups.split(',') group_list = [] for group_str in group_str_list : if not group_str : continue # print "+"+group_str formatted_group = re.findall( self.__group_regex, group_str)[0] # print formatted_group group_list.append( formatted_group ) hex_pkt = self.__applyGroups( hex_pkt, group_list, tag_dict.keys()) if self.__checkPermittedChars( hex_pkt, tag_dict.keys() ) : cap = self.__getCapacityDict( hex_pkt , tag_dict.keys() ) pkt_dict[ pkt_name ] = ( hex_pkt, cap ) return tag_dict, pkt_dict
[docs] def getTemplates( self ) : return self.__packets.keys()
[docs] def getCapacityDict( self, template ) : """ :param str template: The name of the template whose capacity dict is desired. :rtype: dict :return: The template's capacity dict containing Tag Letters as keys and capacity of each Tag in bytes as values. A sample *configuration* : .. code:: python X:_data_: Y:_data_: sample='''4141XX4242YYYY''' Example :: psi = StegoInjector( configuration ) psi.getCapacityDict( 'sample1' ) { 'X' : 1, 'Y' : 2 } """ return self.__packets[template][1]
[docs] def getCapacity( self, template, tag = None ) : """ :param str template: The name of the template whose capacity is desired. :rtype: int :return: The template's capacity in bytes """ return sum(self.__packets[template][1].values())
def __getCapacityDict( self, pkt, tag_chars ) : caps = {} for tag in tag_chars : caps[tag] = pkt.count(tag) // 2 # in bytes if self.hex_inject : # if bytes injected in hex caps[tag] = caps[tag] // 2 # furtherly divide by 2 return caps def __checkPermittedChars( self, pkt, tag_chars ) : for c in pkt : c = c.upper() if c not in self.__not_permitted_chars and c not in tag_chars : raise StegoSchemeParseException( "Char '%s' in Packet '%s' is not Hex Digit nor Tag" % (c, pkt) ) return False return True def __applyGroups( self, pkt, groups, tag_chars ) : group_str = '%s[%d, %d]' pkt = bytearray(pkt) for tag, start, end in groups : start = int(start) end = int(end) group_repr = group_str % (tag, start, end) if tag not in tag_chars : raise StegoSchemeParseException( "Group Tag '%s' in Group: '%s' is not defined." % (tag, group_repr) ) if start > end : raise StegoSchemeParseException( "Starting byte is greater than Ending Byte in Group %s" % group_repr) for hex_index in range(0, len( pkt ), 2) : byte_index = hex_index // 2 # print hex_index, byte_index if byte_index >= start and byte_index < end : pkt[ hex_index ] = tag pkt[ hex_index + 1] = tag # print pkt return str(pkt) # def blankPacket( self, packet, template ) : # # cap = self.getCapacity( template ) # ret = '' # templ_pkt = self.getTemplate( template ) # for c in templ_pkt : # # pkt = # pkt = self.inject( '\x00'*cap, template, packet ) # # print pkt.encode('hex') # return pkt
[docs] def blankifyPacketFields( self, pkt, template, zero = False ) : # print pkt sample = self.getTemplate( template ) pkt = bytearray(pkt) for i in range( len(sample) ) : char = sample[i] # print sample[i] if char in self.__tags.keys() : if zero : char = '\x00' pkt[i] = ord(char) # print i, char, pkt, "<<" return str(pkt)
[docs] def injectByTag( self, data_dict, template, pkt = None ) : """ :param dict data_dict: The data to be injected in a dict format, with *Tag Letters* as keys and Data to be injected where the specific Tag Letters are placed, as values. :param str template: The template that will be used to inject the data into. :param str pkt: A packet that matches the template is size, to inject the data instead of the template. A copy of the template will be used if this argument is not provided. :rtype: str :return: Template or packet with the given data injected. A sample *configuration* : .. code:: python X:_data_: Y:_data_: sample='''4141XX4242YY''' Example :: data_dict = { 'X' : '0', 'Y' : '1' } psi = StegoInjector( configuration ) psi.injectByTag( data_dict, 'sample1' ) 'AA0BB1' """ data_len = len( ''.join(data_dict.values()) ) hex_pkt = self.__initializeInjection( data_len, template, pkt ) sample_capacity = self.getCapacity( template ) # print hex_pkt injection_dict = data_dict # print injection_dict # print self.getTemplate( template ) # print hex_pkt # print pkt.encode('hex') pkt = self.__injectFromDict( hex_pkt, injection_dict, sample_capacity, template = template ) # print (pkt) pkt = codecs.decode(pkt, 'hex') # print pkt # print injection_dict return pkt
[docs] def inject( self, data, template, pkt = None ) : """ :param str data: The data to be injected in raw bytes :param str template: The template that will be used to inject the data into. :param str pkt: A packet that matches the template is size, to inject the data instead of the template. A copy of the template will be used if this argument is not provided. :rtype: str :return: Template or packet with the given data injected. """ data_len = len( data ) hex_pkt = self.__initializeInjection( data_len, template, pkt ) sample_capacity = self.getCapacity( template ) hex_pkt = str(hex_pkt) # hex_pkt = bytearray(hex_pkt) if self.hex_inject : data = data.encode('hex') injection_dict = self.__createInjectionDict( data, template ) inj_hex_pkt = self.__injectFromDict( hex_pkt, injection_dict, sample_capacity, template = template ) # print injection_dict # print inj_hex_pkt pkt = codecs.decode(inj_hex_pkt, 'hex') return pkt
[docs] def getTemplate( self, template ) : if template not in self.__packets.keys() : raise TemplateNotFoundException( "Template '%s' is not available" % template) return self.__packets[ template ][0]
def __initializeInjection( self, data_len, template, pkt = None ) : sample_packet = self.getTemplate( template ) # print sample_packet sample_capacity = self.getCapacity( template ) if pkt == None : pkt = deepcopy( sample_packet ) # COPY DEEPLY if data_len != sample_capacity : raise StegoDataInjectionException( "Trying to inject %d bytes in template '%s' with capacity '%d' bytes" % (data_len, template, sample_capacity) ) # pkt = self.__blankifyPacketFields( pkt, template, ) # pkt = self.injector.blankPacket( pkt, template ) else : pkt = codecs.encode(pkt, 'hex') # pkt = self.blankifyPacketFields(pkt, template) sample = bytearray( sample_packet ) pkt = bytearray( pkt ) # print(sample) # print(pkt) # print(len(sample), len(pkt)) if len(sample) != len(pkt) : raise StegoDataInjectionException( "Given packet has not the same length with the Sample." ) # if pkt != sample : # print (pkt) return pkt def __createInjectionDict( self, data, template ) : # data = bytearray(data) # print hex_pkt hex_pkt = self.getTemplate(template) sample_capacity = self.getCapacity(template) data_hex = codecs.encode(data, 'hex') injection_dict = {} for tag in self.__tags : injection_dict[tag] = '' hex_pkt = str(hex_pkt) for hex_index, hex_char in enumerate( hex_pkt ) : # print hex_char, type(hex_char) # print hex_char, self.__tags.keys() if hex_char in self.__tags.keys() : tag = hex_char # print tag # print "++++++++++++++++++++++++=" half_byte_hex = data_hex[0] # pop(0) for strings data_hex = data_hex [1:] injection_dict[ tag ] += half_byte_hex for tag in injection_dict.keys() : value = codecs.decode(injection_dict[tag], 'hex') injection_dict[tag] = bytearray( value ) # print len( data_hex ), data_hex # print injection_dict assert len( data_hex ) == 0 # print "success!" return injection_dict def __injectFromDict( self, pkt_initial, injection_dict, sample_cap, template = None ) : # print injection_dict pkt_initial = bytearray(pkt_initial) template_packet = self.getTemplate( template ) pkt_hex = bytearray(template_packet) for tag, data in injection_dict.items() : data = bytearray(data) inj_function = self.__tags[ tag ]['inj_function'] while data : data_byte = chr(data.pop(0)) hex1_index = pkt_hex.index( tag ) byte_index = hex1_index // 2 evaled_byte = self.__eval_environ( data_byte, inj_function, len(pkt_hex), byte_index, sample_cap ) hex_byte = evaled_byte.encode('hex') # print tag, evaled_byte.encode('hex') pkt_hex[hex1_index] = hex_byte[0] # print type(hex_byte[0]), type(pkt_initial) pkt_initial[hex1_index] = hex_byte[0] # print pkt_hex hex2_index = pkt_hex.index( tag ) pkt_hex[hex2_index] = hex_byte[1] pkt_initial[hex2_index] = hex_byte[1] # print pkt_hex # print pkt_initial # print hex1_index, hex2_index # print pkt_initial # pkt_initial = str(pkt_initial, 'utf8') return pkt_initial
[docs] def extract( self, pkt, template ) : """ :param str pkt: A packet that matches the template in size, that contains covert data the way the `template` provides. :param str template: The template that will be used to extract the data from. It must be the same with the one used to inject the data in the `pkt`. :rtype: str :return: The data extracted from the `pkt` """ extract_dict = self.__initializeDataExtraction( pkt, template ) data = bytearray() # print extract_dict for tag, value in sorted( extract_dict.iteritems() ) : data.extend( value ) return str(data)
[docs] def extractByTag( self, pkt, template ) : return self.__initializeDataExtraction( pkt, template )
def __initializeDataExtraction( self, pkt, template ) : extract_dict = {} pkt_hex = codecs.encode(bytes( pkt ), 'hex') if template not in self.__packets.keys() : raise TemplateNotFoundException( "Template '%s' is not available" % template) sample_hex, sample_cap = self.__packets[ template ] data = '' sample_hex = bytearray(sample_hex) # print len(sample_hex), len(pkt_hex) if len(sample_hex) != len(pkt_hex) : raise StegoDataExtractionException("Given packet and Sample packet have not the same length") for tag, functions in sorted( self.__tags.iteritems() ) : extr_function = functions['extr_function'] extract_data_ = '' while tag in sample_hex : tag_index = sample_hex.index( tag ) byte_index = tag_index // 2 hex1 = pkt_hex[ tag_index ] sample_hex[ tag_index ] = '~' # Remove the Tag tag_index = sample_hex.index( tag ) hex2 = pkt_hex[ tag_index ] sample_hex[ tag_index ] = '~' # Remove the Tag hex_str = hex1 + hex2 raw_byte_ = codecs.decode(hex_str, 'hex') data_byte_ = self.__eval_environ\ ( raw_byte_, extr_function, len(pkt), byte_index, sample_cap ) extract_data_ += data_byte_ # print hex_str+"->"+data_byte_.encode('hex') if self.hex_inject : extract_data_ = codecs.decode(extract_data_, 'hex') extract_dict[tag] = bytearray( extract_data_ ) # print sample_hex # print extract_dict.keys() return extract_dict def __eval_environ( self, _data_, function, _len_, _index_ ,_capacity_ ) : # ============== Eval Environment ====== return eval( function ) # ======================================
[docs] def guessTemplate( self, pkt ) : """ This method tries to guess the used template of a data packet by computing similarity of all templates against it. :param str pkt: The data packet whose template is guessed. :rtype: str :return: A tuple containing the template name that matches best with the given packets and the similarity ratio. """ ret = [] for template in self.__packets.keys() : cap = self.getCapacity( template ) payload = "\x00" * cap pkt_test = self.inject( payload, template ) templ_pkt = self.__packets[ template ][0] if len( pkt_test ) != len( pkt ) : continue pkt_hex = pkt.encode('hex') # pkt_test2 = self.__blankifyPacketFields(pkt_hex, template) pkt_test2 = pkt_hex # print pkt_hex pkt_test2 = self.inject( payload, template, pkt ) sim_ratio = str_similar( pkt_test2, pkt_test ) ret.append( ( template, sim_ratio ) ) winner = sorted( ret, key = lambda tup:tup[1] ) if not winner : return None # The template couldn't be guessed return winner[-1]
[docs]def asciiToHexTemplate( pkt, marker = '~', substitute = 'X' ) : """ This module function converts an ASCII chunk with single-byte `markers` and returns a `template`. :param str pkt: The data packet in ASCII with `marker` byte where arbitrary bytes can be injected. :param str marker: The byte that will be interpreted as `marker` :param str substitute: The byte that will be replace the marker bytes in the hex-`template` representation. :rtype: str :return: The template representation populated with the `substitute` wherever the `marker` byte was placed. Example: .. code:: python req = 'GET /search.php?q=~~~~~~~~\\n\\n' template = asciiToHexTemplate( req ) print template 474554202f7365617263682e7068703f713dXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX0a0a """ marker_hex = marker.encode('hex') pkt_hex = pkt.encode('hex') pkt_hex_spaced = ' '.join([ "%s%s" % ( pkt_hex[i], pkt_hex[i+1] ) for i in range( 0, len(pkt_hex) - 1, 2) ]) pkt_hex_spaced = pkt_hex_spaced.replace( marker_hex, substitute * 2 ) return pkt_hex_spaced.replace(' ', '')